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Rithvik Andugula, a performer who believes in serving people through the power of art. Born in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, then moving to Ilford, Cardiff & Toronto, he has picked up sounds from all over the world and he hopes to convey that in his music. To be creative is to be human, and he would like to give hope through his art that anything is possible, just start today.

Ethnicity: Indian
Location: London, UK

Instagram: @rithvik.andugula

GET TO KNOW - completed April 2023
3 words to describe you:
Passionate, Mellow, Driven

3 words to describe your music:
Hopeful, Unconventional, Vibes

If it does, how does your heritage impact your art?
Being born in India, I was always around the music of 'Tollywood', which still influences my music today. The language of Telugu is so beautiful and it implements many different styles, I use that part of my heritage, to make music across all genres. My heritage makes me proud to be South Asian, something I wasn't growing up, so I'd like to help the younger generations find that confidence and love in being South Asian, through my music. From spoken word pieces called 'Crumbs', to rap songs like 'Summer Sky', our heritage and familial traditions are something I'm proud of and want to share with others.

If you could collaborate with anyone, who and why?
I'd love to collaborate with Loyle Carner, his music has really influenced me and his mellow, yet passionate vibe is something that is infectious. His love for his mother, the way he battles and forgives his father, the fight with grief and different styles of poetry, boom-bam rap and just plain skits, makes him an artist, with many tools to his skill set. He is someone who wants to spread hope and positivity, something I hope to follow and in time, we can collaborate and spread joy together.

Your next career/music goal:
A Hip-Hop night, ran by the team.

Top 3 go to songs/artists:
Self Care - Mac Miller
Ain't Nothing Changed - Loyle Carner
Furthest Thing - Drake

Words you live by:
This too shall pass.

Anything else you'd like to share?
Recently released my new song 'All The Time', on all streaming platforms. It's a different vibe to all my other tracks, focusing on love and the dangers of being lost in it.