Ramis Ali is a singer-songwriter of Pakistani origin, currently residing in Manchester, United Kingdom. With over 10 years of experience in the music industry spanning both Pakistan and now UK, he is committed to producing original music that resonates with his audience. His aim is to forge meaningful connections with listeners while establishing himself as a recognised independent artist.
Drawing inspiration from a wide range of musical influences such as rock, metal, pop, Indian classical, Pakistani folk, and Bollywood, Ramis has cultivated a unique sound that reflects his diverse artistic expression. He sees himself primarily as a feeling singer rather than being confined to a specific genre, allowing his music to authentically represent his true self. He aspires to be a voice for those who may struggle to articulate their emotions publicly.
Looking ahead to 2025, Ramis has eight new songs lined up, each capturing a distinct feel and vibe as they tell the story of a self-created character navigating various life stages through music. This approach is akin to storytelling, encapsulating different emotions and experiences along the way.
Recently, he released his debut single, “Break Us,” which serves as the first of many songs that narrate a chapter of his journey. In addition to songwriting, Ramis is heavily involved in audio production, video conceptualization, storyboarding, and wardrobe selection, ensuring that his artistic vision is delivered in a distinctive manner. His music is readily available across all major streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music.
Photographer: Haroon Afzal (@halostudiosltd)
Ethnicity: Pakistani
Location: Manchester, UK
Instagram: @ramisalimusic
GET TO KNOW - completed January 2025
3 words to describe you:
Intense, resilient and unapologetic
Describe your sound:
My sound is a heartfelt journey woven through storytelling, drawing inspiration from the vibrant rhythms of rock, the enchanting melodies of Indian Bollywood, and the soulful essence of folk music. I aim to create a unique soundscape that resonates deeply with my emotions, inviting listeners to lose themselves in the music and become a part of this beautiful experience.
Describe the moment you knew that you wanted to pursue music:
Music has always been a big part of my life, thanks to my parents, who are huge fans of it. They've always used music as a way to relax and appreciate beauty. My first experience singing on stage was at a school competition when I was just 14. When I heard the applause from hundreds of people, I knew I wanted to take my music to the next level.
How does your heritage impact your art?
Karachi, a lively mix of cultures, was my home, where I explored the rich traditions, religions, and customs that shape Pakistan. Urdu, my cherished mother tongue, runs through my veins, bringing my songs to life with unique words that many don’t use every day. Coming from a family that has always valued and celebrated Urdu with pride, this language is the heart of my music and my identity. I want to share the beauty of Urdu on a global stage, inviting everyone to appreciate and enjoy this wonderful language, even if they don’t understand every word. Through my music, I hope to create a connection that brings people together and fosters a love for Urdu around the world.
What moment are you most proud of in your music journey so far?
At one point in my life, I decided to stop making music because I had turned into a very negative and conservative person, judging and questioning not just others but myself the most. The moment I felt the most proud was when I realized that music is an integral part of who I am; it keeps me grounded, and when I'm engaged in it, I feel fulfilled, content, and very positive. That’s when I picked up music again and haven’t looked back since.
Your next music goal:
I would be thrilled to work together with Pakistani and Indian artists who share my musical interests, creating something magical that not only enriches our artistic journeys but also helps us grow as individuals and artists.
If you could collaborate with anyone, who and why?
I would be excited to collaborate with the Pakistani band Bayaan, as I feel a deep personal connection to their music. I believe that if we come together, we could create tunes that the world isn't quite prepared for yet.
Lyrics you live by:
Jis ko jo bhi milta hai be-sabab nahiin milta
Mujhse bole man mera, "Sab ko sab nahiin milta"
Bayaan - “Nahi Milta”
They are literally the most relatable lyrics I can think of in recent times.
3 songs you're listening to right now:
Maand - Bayaan & Hasan Raheem
O Yaara - Abdul Hannan & Kaavish
Wicked Games - Chris Isaak
Your community shout out:
Abdul Hannan has been a huge inspiration for me as I can really feel his music, his feel and his songwriting really resonates with me on a very personal level. We’re both professional over-thinkers!
Anything else you'd like to share:
My debut single “Break Us” is now out on all streaming platforms and the official music video is also out on my YouTube channel, please go and check it all out!
Fun fact: I am a Mechanical Engineer by education and I cannot play any instrument and sing simultaneously.